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Do You Know Jesus?

which best describes you?

"I’ve never met or learned about Jesus."

"I’ve heard about Jesus, but I don’t really know what He said or did."

"I’m curious but not sure where to start."

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Do You Follow Jesus?

which best describes you?

"I believe in Jesus but haven’t fully surrendered my life to Him."

"I sometimes struggle with doubt or commitment."

"I want to follow Jesus, but I don’t know what that looks like daily."

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Do You Love Jesus?

which best describes you?

"I love Jesus, but I struggle with making Him my top priority."

"I want my faith to affect my daily actions, but I often fall back into selfish habits.""

"I want to serve others and love my neighbors, but I don’t know where to start."

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Do You Share Jesus?

which best describes you?

"I don’t feel ready to share my faith with others."

"I want to introduce people to Jesus but feel hesitant or unqualified."

"I don’t know how to explain my faith without overwhelming people."

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Do You Defend Jesus?

which best describes you?

"I am committed to standing firm in my faith, no matter the cost, and defending biblical truth in a world that opposes it."

"I do or want to equip, mentor, and disciple others to boldly follow Christ and build a strong biblical worldview."

"I believe the Church, people, and organizations must unite to protect and advance the Gospel, and I want to publicly support and be part of something bigger than myself."

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